Weather + Air Quality at The Grand Markets
We take the safety of our vendors, team and guests very seriously. Please review our Weather Policy below!
At The Grand Market we have a “Rain, Shine or Snow” weather policy.
However, in the instance of Extreme Weather (as outlined by Environment Canada) we follow the protocol as below:
If there is a severe weather warning, market directors will make a decision before 1pm (on Thursdays) or 8 AM (on Sundays) the day of market and inform all vendors and patrons of a market cancellation through email and social media.
If the market is cancelled, vendors and patrons will NOT be permitted on site. Vendors should take care to pay special attention to their emails and 124 Grand Market social media on days that call for questionable weather.
In the event that there is unexpected severe weather during market operations, the market directors will make a decision on whether or not to shut down based on a number of factors, the highest priority of such being public and vendor safety. If the market is shut down during operations and the site ordered evacuated, vendors will NOT be permitted to sell on site under any circumstances.
Unfortunately, no refunds will be issued in the event of a cancellation due to extreme weather. If a market is set to go rain or shine and you do not attend, a cancellation fee will be issued.
Environment Canada issues a wind warning at 70 km per hour. Market threshold is consistent gusts of 60 km per hour or higher.
The 124 Grand Market will reference the Air Quality Health Index as laid out by the Government of Canada. The Air Quality Health Index is broken up into “Low” “Moderate” “High” and “Very High”. Please note each threshold and accompanying actions:
Low, 1-3
Markets and all activities will resume normally
Moderate 4-6
Markets and all activities will resume normally
High 7-10
As soon as we hit a 7 the markets will considered to be on a watch. Markets and outdoor events will proceed, however vendors and programmers who are concerned about health risks may cancel up to 24 hours in advance and avoid any cancellation penalties. Our Markets staff will be provided with N95s.
A rating of 8 and forecasted to be climbing for more than 2 days prior to and including market day will result in the market to be cancelled.
A rating of 8 and forecasted to be descending 24 hours prior to and including market will result in market proceeding with caution. Vendors will be released from cancellation penalties if they are worried about health risks. Our Markets staff will be provided with N95s.
Very High 11+
Markets will be cancelled.
In all situations we will do what we can to alert everyone with as much advance as possible however as these situations are dynamic and change quickly we will by the very latest make a call by 8 AM on weekends and by 1 PM on Thursdays via email and social media updates. We acknowledge that this is not always the most convenient but note that we are doing our best with the tools we have. We appreciate your support of our vendor community!
Weather warnings as per Environment Canada are as follows:
Severe weather bulletins are issued as a watch or a warning, depending on the risk or severity of the event. Less severe events that could be a cause for concern will be issued as a special weather statement or Advisory.
Watches are issued when conditions are favourable for the development of severe weather. Watches are typically issued for local-scale events in which the timing and location of occurrence remains uncertain; such as severe thunderstorms or tornadoes. A watch is normally issued several hours in advance. A watch issued for severe summer storms is typically issued up to six hours in advance, whereas watches for winter events at least 12 to 24 hours in advance. Weather watches are issued for regular forecast regions affected.
Warnings are issued when severe weather is either imminent or occurring. Warnings for large scale events such as snowstorms are issued ideally with at least six, and up to 24 hours lead time. Severe thunderstorm warnings, by their nature, will be issued less than one hour in advance. Weather warnings are usually issued for regular forecast regions affected. Severe Thunderstorm and Tornado warnings however, may be issued specifically for smaller warning or “sub-regions” within the regular forecast area where available. Specific warning criteria varies by region, depending on geography, or other conditions in which a specific region may be vulnerable.